

Page history last edited by bonnelld@ualberta.ca 14 years, 11 months ago

Professional Learning Communities and Professional Associations







Welcome to our wiki!  We have created this wiki in order to pool our resources and information on professional learning communities and professional associations for teacher-librarians.  We hope that the following pages will be both informative and practical. 

Under professional learning communities, we have highlighted the components of an effective PLC, recommendations for finding a PLC, suggestions for creating your own, and common barriers to keep in mind. 

With respect to professional associations, we have included information on provincial, national and international associations for teacher-librarians. 

We have put together a top 10 list of things we believe a new teacher-librarian needs to know about getting and staying connected to PLCs and PAs.   We have also included a list of resources we believe will be useful.  For further information on the above topics, please refer to the list of readings we have compiled.

You can navigate your way through these topics by visiting the sidebar of our wiki.  Please feel free to comment and make suggestions.  Thank you for visiting!



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